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Nextsale Now is Available on BigCommerce Platform!

Nextsale BigCommerce

Nextsale launches integration with BigCommerce eCommerce platform alongside Shopify, WooCommerce, and WordPress. 

Trusted by more than 4,000 clients, Nextsale – Social Proof, Urgency & Growth has started working with BigCommerce eCommerce platform. Long before, the Nexsale has been available on other well-known eCommerce platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, WordPress, and custom websites. The new integration allows BigCommerce users to benefit from Nextsale app solutions with a 14-days free trial.

BigCommerce is a SaaS eCommerce platform, helping owners with advancing commerce experiences. 

eCommerce business owners can benefit several features of BigCommerce to boost sales and growth. These features include cross-channel commerce, B2B, storefront conversion consisting of site speed, SEO, and more. 

BigCommerce facilitates complicated loads for the core commerce features such as tax, shipping, vaulting, refunds, and returns, reports, and analytics, etc. 

Being one of the successful eCommerce platforms to sell online, BigCommerce integration with Nextsale will speed up sales and conversion rates.

Nextsale Features

The Nextsale app on BigCommerce offers solutions to problems such as less trust, low conversion rates, and more. These solutions include:

Let’s analyze what kind of problems a website can have, and which solutions would be a help. 

Low conversion rates. It is a common problem for eCommerce business owners that when visitors do not purchase a product or service when going through website pages. The main reason for low conversion rates is low trust. 

In this case, we offer several solutions to increase conversion rates: social proof and trust, urgency – FOMO, countdown, coupons, and more. 

Sales leads. Lead generation is used to obtain visitors by creating interest in a product or service. This can be done by collecting data on emails and phone numbers. We – Nextsale offer generating leads with exit-intent popups, and promo bars and popups. After collecting all that data, you can use them for marketing purposes i.e., retargeting ads. 

Exit-Intent Popup: generating leads

While getting assistance from BigCommerce’s SEO solution to drive more traffic to a website, our app will convert those visitors to actual customers.

How to Install Nextsale App?

A client can install our app within seconds, and create a campaign in just 3 minutes. 

Here are some easy steps to install our app on BigCommerce:

  1. Create an account
  2. Install Nextsale app
  3. And that’s all – ready to create the first campaign!

There are several options available to choose when creating a campaign. If the clients have a new website with zero customer or minimal traffic, we suggest the solutions accordingly. 

For instance, for a website with traffic but no sales, we offer to create campaigns containing coupons, urgency, social proof, and alike. 

Besides customer size, it is crucial to consider on which page a campaign should appear. For instance, a customer can place offering-discount-popup on the shop page or checkout page to boost sales. 

We also have a help center – resources that include materials about customization of account, creating campaigns, and more!

As we stated above, Nextsale offers customized solutions for our clients. eCommerce business owners can reach out to us regarding particular issues. After we are provided with data – traffic size, conversion rate, etc., based on our analysis, we offer customized solutions.

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